Saturday, June 27, 2009

Congaree Bluffs and Indigo Bunnies

Common Mullein
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Ann-Marie and I went out this morning early to go to Congaree Bluffs located on the other side of Congaree National Park in Calhoun County. Even though we started a lot earlier, it was even worse than last week. We were sweating like pigs from hell within 20 minutes. To top it off, the Department of Natural Resources was going through a 'reforestation of the Longleaf Pines' and the area had been pretty much cut down with limbs everywhere, even into the forest, which made those trails impossible to find. So we decided to stick to the open areas since they seemed to be providing us with a lot of bird life and vascular flora. One plant that was taking advantage of the sun big time was the the Common Mullein (pictured). This huge plant was everywhere and seemed to match the gross heat with it's giant leaves and beautiful yellow flowers. Other plants common to this environment were there like Fern-leafed False Foxglove, Coreopsis, Prickly Pear Cactus, Bull Thistle, Mexican Clover, Butterfly Pea and Daisy Fleabane.

Ann-Marie got to see her first Indigo Bunting (not 'Bunny' Ann-Marie) along with a Blue Grosbeak. We also saw a Wild Turkey heading down the road. I'm including below the full bird list. We went out to the Bluffs to rest, hydrate and eat a power bar before our return trip down the road. I decided not to hit the woods this time and wait and see what DNR is going to do about locating new trailheads in the woods. Still it was a great day with a lot of surprises, human and natural, along the way.

Location: Congaree Bluffs
Observation date: 6/27/09
Notes: Expected to find a Prairie Warbler and Painted Bunting but didn't.
Number of species: 14

Wild Turkey 1
Turkey Vulture 3
Mississippi Kite 1
Chimney Swift 6
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
White-eyed Vireo 1
Northern Parula 1
Summer Tanager 1
Eastern Towhee 4
Chipping Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 2
Blue Grosbeak 1
Indigo Bunting 3


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