Saturday, November 28, 2009

The 10 Mile Scuttles Sweet Potato Swindle Scamper

Sweet Potato Swindle
Originally uploaded by toadshade
At the end of my 10 mile run today I ran into Fred and Betsy, my duplex mates, sitting in the garden monitoring the various squirrel activity. Betsy produced this well gnawed Sweet Potato that Fred had grown during the summer and immediately implicated my pride and joy, Scuttles Wilson, the Rat. Even though his many squirrel cousins have been eating flower-heads, trash, dog feces, candy wrappers and about anything that finds itself on the ground, Fred and Betsy feel they are beyond reproach in this matter. What it boils down to is - which rodent has the more integrity? It's one tough ethical, moral, spiritual, and (in this case) territorial question. Unless we catch one of them in the act, we may never know. Maybe we're just not meant to know.

My 10 mile run was great at 1:43:10 at 10:13 per mile.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Fall Veronica 12 Miler

Fall Veronica
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Decided to go for 12 miles today since it was so nice and beautiful out there. I was rewarded in two ways. It is the first long run since my bunion problem and I felt fine the whole way. No pain or soreness after the run either. Secondly I saw these little Veronica wildflowers growing beside the road. I usually don't see these til late Winter where they serve as a reminder of the coming Spring. The fact that we haven't yet had a killing frost has a lot to do with it growing here now. It's little premature but a lot of the so-called 'Spring Wildflowers' like Violets and Speedwells will grow if the conditions are right. They'll get zapped by the cold once a freeze hits and reappear after a few warm days. As it is, even though we're facing the toughest part of the year, it's still only three and a half months til Spring. And some Winter things to be thankful for:

2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets (Winter Migrants) gleaning the Birch Trees
5-6 White Crowned Sparrows (Winter Migrants) and their beautiful quavering song.
My neighbor Fred's Johnny Jump-ups and the little Christmas trees that accompany them.
Fred's brilliant bright red Roses playing a symphony of creation with the sun in defiance of the season.

My run went well and I did 12 miles in 2:05:31 at 10:23 per mile.
Blessed Thanksgiving to everyone!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Five Mile Tractor Run

Tractor Time
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I finally got off my butt and ran a very strong 5 miles. With all that rest it should be strong. They are in the midst of plowing over and under anything left after the corn harvest. It was drizzly and dark but a great day for a run. I wore a long sleeve shirt for the first time in a long time. It was 53 degrees. My time was decent at 49:33 for about 9:54 a mile. Need to build on this since I'm off a few days for Thanksgiving.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Norway Maple 8 Miler

Norway Maple
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Ran this 8 mile run around Sunview Lake and got a picture of this beautiful Maple catching the sunset. It got a little too dark to take pictures later on and I finished my run in twilight. It was my longest run in my new shoes since the bunion attack. Everything seemed ok - no rubbing, no redness or sore spots. The run was slow and my legs are little sore getting used to the shoes but the shoes are (so far) a good fit for marathon training. May have to get some insoles to help keep the bunion from having much pressure.

It was quite beautiful outside and I was struck at how long the leaves remain on the trees well into fall. The first cold snap should do them in. If I'm going to do Myrtle Beach I really have to intensity my program in December and have a couple of 100 miles months. Need to get off my butt since the bunion doesn't seem to be the hindrance I thought it would.


Monday, November 16, 2009

6 Mile Pansy Run

Originally uploaded by toadshade
I just put out my Winter Pansies this weekend. We haven't had a killing frost yet but we have had a lot of rain which seems to bring out the richness of the remaining leaves. The Hickories - Shagbark, Black Walnut, Pecan are mainly remaining in their deep yellow colors and a few of the Norway Maples with their bright yellow and red leaves. I ran down to Southeast Park and did about 6 miles in 58:30 minutes. My feet felt fine and the new Asics seem just the right fit. It was good to get out there and sweat to take off some of the stress from work. We're down 2 counselors and getting incredible caseloads. But that's pretty insignificant when I consider the quality of my life. Great job, great friends, great health and I still find myself looking at life with the wonder of a child.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

The pre-Raphaelite 3 Miler

Thought I'd add some culture to atone for that disgusting bunion photo last week. I ran a quick 3 miler today and mailed in my re-certification application. The weather is finally breaking and windy streaks of clouds are racing by revealing a clear blue autumn sky. The leaves still on the trees are wet, deep and gorgeous. Autumn is timeless as the scene above reveals. Age brings me a greater appreciation of the seasons. The run was good at 28:08 for 9:23 pace. New shoes felt great and the bunion lies dormant.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunview Autumn 5 Mile Happy Bunion Run

Sunview Autumn
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I had to lay off a few days to let this blistered bunion heal. Ran in my new Asics 2110s which feel great. Responsive, great support and fast. Didn't wear any bunion pads or anything on the bunion. Since it has quit hurting I thought I would try it out with no cover. Took some moleskin along just in case. Wore a toe separator between my big toe and the one next to it which is supposed to help correct your gait and reduce the bunion. Everything worked beautifully. No pain at all and a strong drizzly run. Hopefully I can resume my marathon training now. I've missed out on daily runs because of this but am still right in line with my long runs. Will try a 12 miler this weekend and make sure everything is ok and then get back to running 4-5 days a week. My weight is still holding at 170 and I'm still watching my diet.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Groundsel Tree and Autumn Woods

I did this two mile loop of Southeast Park to see how well my bunion was healing. It did ok but I didn't want to risk another 2 so I took it easy and enjoyed the autumn afternoon. The park was beautiful with all the Hickories and Oaks changing their deepest shades of fire and gold. Most of the Goldenrods are gone but a few of the Asters are still there providing some white and sky blue color. The Vervains were still blooming along with the Firewheels. Saw some Camphorweed, a few Buckeye Butterflies and a Checkered Skipper. As far as newer wildflowers, a few of the Golden Asters were growing near the lake and an occasional Dandelion was taking advantage of the afternoon sun. We haven't had the first killing frost.

My foot did ok and I will test it with a few shorter runs this week before trying a 12 miler this weekend. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Asics GT 2110 4 Blister Bunion Miler

My bunion was still hurting mainly because I rubbed a blister on it last time. I wasn't going to run today but I got my new shoes in the mail and decided to go on a quick 4 mile jaunt. It's a runner's law that you have to run the day you get your new shoes so I put some moleskin over my bunion blister and did some creative lacing of my new shoes so as not to put too much pressure on my sore spot and headed out. My new Asics 2110 (bought by the helpful advice of fellow marathoner Kirk Adams) felt great. The were firm and fast and didn't put too much pressure on the bunion. I had a great run for 4 miles at 37:54 for 9:28 per mile. The real pain came when I took off the moleskin which was stuck to the blister. I had to clean all the skin off and douse it in rubbing alcohol (which felt wonderful) and put a bandaid on it. May have to take another 2 days off to let that heal now. Sorry for the gross picture since runner's feet are some of the ugliest things on the planet. But it will provide a break from all those beautiful wildflowers, country roads, and lakes reflecting the autumn trees.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Red Maples Bunion 8 Miler

Red Maples
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Just ran a painful 8 miles in my old NB 851s. It seems I've developed a bunion on the joint of my left big toe. I think, since I've been running in Mizunos, which have plenty of toe room and a looser fit, my bunion could develop in peace without causing problems. My 851s are a little tighter in the forefoot area and rubbed it pretty hard. I developed a blister and put some moleskin on it and my run was great as far as time: 1:18:55 at 9:51 per mile. But the Bunion was noticeably painful. To top it off I just ordered new running shoes which may also be a bad fit for a bunion. I'll do what I can to treat it and read up on it. Any runners out there that care to offer advice, please feel free. I hope I don't have to resort to surgery. It's not a big bunion but it's noticeable.
