Sunday, March 15, 2009

Deep Green in Late Winter - Pearson's Fall Road

Deep Green in Late Winter
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I took a few shots of the Pearson's Fall area but chose this because the green was so rich and full, and represent what this area will be become in a few days. This part of Saluda, NC, is in what they call the Thermal Belt. It's an area that has the earliest growth of trees and wildflowers in the mountains. It's around 1700 feet in elevation and you can usually find Toadshade and Large-flowered Trillium, Toothwort, Spring Beauty, Hepatica, Star Chickweed and Canada Violets growing in abundance. It was a little early for most of these flowers but we did see Toadshade, Toothwort and Spring Beauty unraveling their leaves. Will go back in a couple of weeks.


1 comment:

  1. The pictures you take are so beautiful...I wish I could learn more from you..^^
