Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oconnee Bells on Cane Creek

These are the rare Oconnee Bells that bloom around the equinox in only a few counties of SC, NC and Georgia. Bill and I have been hiking buddies for over 20 years and we always make a point of making this pilgrimage every Spring. The 14th was a little early but we decided to go in spite of the 100% chance of rain (which proved to be deadly accurate). Our mission was to find another access to the Bells (besides Devil's Fork Campground) that you didn't have to walk 15 miles on the Foothills Trail to find. It turned out to be a resounding success!! Using Bill's expert mapping and navigation skills and a road that led right to the trailhead, we discovered the elusive flower in about a quarter of a a mile on Cane Creek. It was still early and only a few were blooming but enough to take a few pictures. Also growing there were Toadshade (from whence my email namesake came) Trillium, tons of beautiful red Partridgeberries and Halberd-leaved Violets. It excited us enough for a return visit in a couple of weeks when it's, hopefully, not raining and we can really explore the area when more flora are in bloom.


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