When it rains it pours. And it was pouring today at times when I did my 12 miles. Took another couple of days off from the bug I had earlier in the week. The run went well until the last half of the 12th mile. It felt like a sharp cramp in the back of my right calf. It could be Achilles Tendonitis which I've had before or Soleus muscle pain. If it's a rupture of the plantaris muscle that will stop me for while and, of course, I won't be able to do the marathon. Will take a couple of days off and see if the pain goes away. The run was great up til that point and, thinking it was a bad cramp, I walked through it and ran the last quarter mile. I could feel it but the pain wasn't sharp. My time for 12 Miles was 1:59:20 at 9:57 per mile.
On the bright side, between the showers, there were plenty of Kildeers flying in the fields, and Yellow Jessamine was beginng to bloom on the roadsides.