Monday, February 16, 2009

8 Miles Into Spring

Spring has to be the theme for this run of the Ulmer 8 Mile Rolling Loop (sounds like a roller coaster). I was off work today and getting back into procrastination with thoughts like "well, maybe I'll just run 4 today and take it easy," or "I need a rest day so I'll just wait til tomorrow." Well, I played the "I'll quit tomorrow" game for too many years. That served as a reminder for me to stick to my plan for this week, which is: 8 miles Monday, 4-6 Tuesday, 4-6 Wednesday, rest Thursday and Friday, 16 Miles on Saturday.

The run was awesome as I was greeted by, as the poet says, "a host of golden Daffodils (pictured above)." The Japanese Magnolias were beginning to bloom along with the Red Maples while the Dandelions, Speedwells and Henbits were taking advantage of the warmer weather. The Cedar Waxwings were Hackberry hopping again on Burdell Drive and I saw a Yellow-rumped Warbler (Butterbutts as the local birders call them) flying from a culvert near the Speedwells. I couldn't help but get caught up with the general excitement of nature coming alive and posted another personal best for this training run at 1:15:16 at a 9:24pace per mile. These long runs really pay off. I also want to dedicate this run to Fred's new tree. Fred just put out a new River Birch to go along with the other one he has in his garden. River Birches just have lots of little branches that the birds , especially Goldfinches, love to sit on while they're waiting to get on my feeder. Thank you Fred for making the yard, the porch, and my life a lot greener!


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