Monday, February 2, 2009

Rain Man

Did a 6 mile tempo run around Sunview Lake to get the 1/4 mile uphill at 5 miles. It was in the 50's, overcast and drizzling. Had an excellent time of 56:03 at a 9:20 pace. Felt great!! I was talking to my duplex mate Fred, also a runner, who is running a very deliberate training program because of medical problems with sciatica, and he is having excellent runs. I think his enthusiasm carried over into my run because it sure felt good running in the rain like a kid. The girl next door said, "You're gonna get wet!" I took that not as a warning but as a reward. To me, getting wet gets me more in touch with the elements, cools me down, and puts my whole system in hyperdrive. My lungs haven't felt that full in a long time. I know that a 9:20 per mile pace may not sound that fast to many, but if you feel you can go on forever it really doesn't matter!



  1. Sounds wonderful, Jimmy. It almost makes me wish I ran. I never really did, though.

  2. Thanks Poppy!! I didn't know anybody was actually going to actually read this.

  3. Nice pics, Jimmy. Keep up the great training. I am envious of your stamina and motivation. JOhn W.
