Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Waxing Loblolly Moon Portal 4 Miler

Loblolly Moon Portal
Originally uploaded by toadshade
The cold December moon waxes as the temperatures get ready to plunge into the 20's tonight. The air is crisp, cold and clear and I had a glorious 4 mile run around the neighborhood. The moon brightened as the day darkened and I felt like I had entered the Lunar realm. I do some Moon meditations in my spiritual practice so it was easy to shift my perspective. I was a different person when I finished.

My run was for 4 miles at 37:30 for a 9:22 per mile pace.


Monday, December 28, 2009

Yankee Doodle Doggie 5 Miler

Yankee Doodle Doggie
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I ran a nice brisk 5 mile tempo run on my usual Dickcissel Field run and, at the end, ran into this woefully seasonally challenged pooch who was getting ready to set off a few fireworks. I explained to him the different seasons and why we use certain symbols at different times of the year and told him he could still fly the flag, even though Christmas is not a uniquely American Holiday. He looked a little sad and started whimpering but I gave him a bone and he perked right up!

I did 5 miles and 10 minutes per mile for a time of 50 minutes.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Southeast Post Yule Grove Hike

After the tons of Yule goodies and the Chocolate Tsunami, we decided to have a hike to cleanse the impurities of over indulgence - spiritual, physical and mental. So we got together at Southeast Park and had a cold, breezy, hiking blast. It felt good for the wind to hit our faces as we hiked this neat little tennis park tucked away in the suburbs of Southeast Columbia. Viv used her knowledge of the natural areas and landmarks to help us keep up with the modern nomenclature of the various geographical areas while Ann-Marie dazzled the millions with her knowledge of the late fall wildflowers, now only seed husks. Med treated us to a little Farsi as he talked to his relatives on his cell (yes, we are multi-tasking) and combed the area for some White Oak Acorns. We did collect plenty of nuts as the Black Walnuts and Pecan Hickories dominate the park. I snapped a few pictures and will include here of Ann-Marie photographing the local wildlife under a beautiful Live Oak. Afterwards we ate at Pantera Bread and re-caffeinated. Felt good to have a few sore muscles and the bite of Winter in our blood.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Mistletoe 7 Miler

Viscum album
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Viscum Album (or Mistletoe) has been written about for centuries for it's use in Druid ceremonies (Pliny) and in James Fraser's great work on cultural anthropology, The Golden Bough, it has been well documented. It is a parasite that grows on several tree species, usually Oak and Apple around here. It was seen as a fertility symbol, hence the 'kissing under the Mistletoe' tradition that we still carry on. It's name roughly means 'all heal,' has been used in teas for various ailments but is poisonous. The ones that grow over here are Phoradendron sp; and are generally dispersed by Cedar Waxwings. They are a lot easier to see in the leafless trees of Winter and add another pleasant dimension to the world.

I was going 12 miles today but only made 7. Five running and two walking since I was a little foolhardy in my expectations. Was sore, dehydrated and tired. The walking did give me a chance to see rhythms of nature at a slower pace; the Robins flocking, the squeaky toy (Ann-Marie) call of the Nuthatches and a Great Blue Heron flying over and one crossing the road. I assumed, like the chicken, to get to the other side. Or maybe to see if there were any chickens over there!! Heron's keep things pretty close to the chest, or breast in this case.

I gave myself 7 miles at 77 minutes at 11 minutes per mile.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Silver-leaved Solstice 6 Miler

Silver-leaved Solstice
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I'm always thrilled at the persistence of Nature and how it takes advantage of the slanting sun to produce a blossom in the freezing cold of Winter. I've scraped ice off my windshield for the last 3 days and this Silver-leaved Grass flower found a way to use to utilize the Sun's warm and the rain drenched December soil to produce a flower. I don't think the plant gives a damn whether there are any pollinators around to spread it's seed or maybe this was the seed it was meant to spread. It sure added a little color to the bleak Winter landscape and the joy of being all you can be regardless of the outcome. Add this to the Wild Mustards, Dandelions, Henbits, Veronicas and Sow Thistles, this makes for a great welcome to the newly arisen Sun.

My run was great at 57:43 at 9:37 per mile.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Solstice Sow 5 Miler

The Solstice Sow
Originally uploaded by toadshade
The Solstice Sow is the ubiquitous, unsightly Sow Thistle of waste places and ditches throughout the South. But I happen to love it; because, if you can put up with it's prickly, thorny, stay-away-from-me appearance, it always blossoms forth with a beautiful yellow flower. I work in addictions and most of us are pretty weedy, nasty and prickly when we first try to get straight, but if you can put up with us long enough, we become something special. But at this stage of the game I'm more into weed control.

Also taking advantage of the Winter Sun were Henbits, Veronicas, Wild Mustards and Dandelions. My run was good, if not too fast, at 50:32 at 10:06 per mile.

Blessed Solstice Everyone! The Sun's at -23:26 degrees.


Monday, December 14, 2009

The Solstice Flower 4

Originally uploaded by toadshade
I don't know if this is a Camellia or what. I took it this afternoon running my 4 mile neighborhood scamper. It was growing in someone's yard. It was a rainy, dreary Monday and this sure brightened the day. Everyone's mood at work (especially the patients') was low. Lot of discord and anxiety. Ran today to reclaim some forward motion in my life with all the rain, being understaffed at work and lack of structure in my free time. Feel better because of it. The run was good at 38:11 for 4 miles at about 9:37 per mile. A lot of Yule stuff to keep me busy in the coming week. Hopefully I can get a few more jogs in.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Seasons Greetings 4 Miler

Yule Greetings!
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I haven't run in a while due to a cold and a decision not to do a marathon any time soon. I still like the blog and will keep it up but expand it's horizons a little. It was a beautiful run, a little windy since a front moved through, but still shining with the deep russets and yellows of autumn Sweetgums, Hickories and Oaks. The Sun is at -22:54 degrees below the Celestial Equator and is heading to it's lowest ebb on Yule or December 21st. It makes the Winter Light slant and gives the world a crisp, colorful aspect. What nature takes away in life, it gives back in beauty and hope.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

The 10 Mile Scuttles Sweet Potato Swindle Scamper

Sweet Potato Swindle
Originally uploaded by toadshade
At the end of my 10 mile run today I ran into Fred and Betsy, my duplex mates, sitting in the garden monitoring the various squirrel activity. Betsy produced this well gnawed Sweet Potato that Fred had grown during the summer and immediately implicated my pride and joy, Scuttles Wilson, the Rat. Even though his many squirrel cousins have been eating flower-heads, trash, dog feces, candy wrappers and about anything that finds itself on the ground, Fred and Betsy feel they are beyond reproach in this matter. What it boils down to is - which rodent has the more integrity? It's one tough ethical, moral, spiritual, and (in this case) territorial question. Unless we catch one of them in the act, we may never know. Maybe we're just not meant to know.

My 10 mile run was great at 1:43:10 at 10:13 per mile.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Fall Veronica 12 Miler

Fall Veronica
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Decided to go for 12 miles today since it was so nice and beautiful out there. I was rewarded in two ways. It is the first long run since my bunion problem and I felt fine the whole way. No pain or soreness after the run either. Secondly I saw these little Veronica wildflowers growing beside the road. I usually don't see these til late Winter where they serve as a reminder of the coming Spring. The fact that we haven't yet had a killing frost has a lot to do with it growing here now. It's little premature but a lot of the so-called 'Spring Wildflowers' like Violets and Speedwells will grow if the conditions are right. They'll get zapped by the cold once a freeze hits and reappear after a few warm days. As it is, even though we're facing the toughest part of the year, it's still only three and a half months til Spring. And some Winter things to be thankful for:

2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets (Winter Migrants) gleaning the Birch Trees
5-6 White Crowned Sparrows (Winter Migrants) and their beautiful quavering song.
My neighbor Fred's Johnny Jump-ups and the little Christmas trees that accompany them.
Fred's brilliant bright red Roses playing a symphony of creation with the sun in defiance of the season.

My run went well and I did 12 miles in 2:05:31 at 10:23 per mile.
Blessed Thanksgiving to everyone!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Five Mile Tractor Run

Tractor Time
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I finally got off my butt and ran a very strong 5 miles. With all that rest it should be strong. They are in the midst of plowing over and under anything left after the corn harvest. It was drizzly and dark but a great day for a run. I wore a long sleeve shirt for the first time in a long time. It was 53 degrees. My time was decent at 49:33 for about 9:54 a mile. Need to build on this since I'm off a few days for Thanksgiving.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Norway Maple 8 Miler

Norway Maple
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Ran this 8 mile run around Sunview Lake and got a picture of this beautiful Maple catching the sunset. It got a little too dark to take pictures later on and I finished my run in twilight. It was my longest run in my new shoes since the bunion attack. Everything seemed ok - no rubbing, no redness or sore spots. The run was slow and my legs are little sore getting used to the shoes but the shoes are (so far) a good fit for marathon training. May have to get some insoles to help keep the bunion from having much pressure.

It was quite beautiful outside and I was struck at how long the leaves remain on the trees well into fall. The first cold snap should do them in. If I'm going to do Myrtle Beach I really have to intensity my program in December and have a couple of 100 miles months. Need to get off my butt since the bunion doesn't seem to be the hindrance I thought it would.


Monday, November 16, 2009

6 Mile Pansy Run

Originally uploaded by toadshade
I just put out my Winter Pansies this weekend. We haven't had a killing frost yet but we have had a lot of rain which seems to bring out the richness of the remaining leaves. The Hickories - Shagbark, Black Walnut, Pecan are mainly remaining in their deep yellow colors and a few of the Norway Maples with their bright yellow and red leaves. I ran down to Southeast Park and did about 6 miles in 58:30 minutes. My feet felt fine and the new Asics seem just the right fit. It was good to get out there and sweat to take off some of the stress from work. We're down 2 counselors and getting incredible caseloads. But that's pretty insignificant when I consider the quality of my life. Great job, great friends, great health and I still find myself looking at life with the wonder of a child.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

The pre-Raphaelite 3 Miler

Thought I'd add some culture to atone for that disgusting bunion photo last week. I ran a quick 3 miler today and mailed in my re-certification application. The weather is finally breaking and windy streaks of clouds are racing by revealing a clear blue autumn sky. The leaves still on the trees are wet, deep and gorgeous. Autumn is timeless as the scene above reveals. Age brings me a greater appreciation of the seasons. The run was good at 28:08 for 9:23 pace. New shoes felt great and the bunion lies dormant.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunview Autumn 5 Mile Happy Bunion Run

Sunview Autumn
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I had to lay off a few days to let this blistered bunion heal. Ran in my new Asics 2110s which feel great. Responsive, great support and fast. Didn't wear any bunion pads or anything on the bunion. Since it has quit hurting I thought I would try it out with no cover. Took some moleskin along just in case. Wore a toe separator between my big toe and the one next to it which is supposed to help correct your gait and reduce the bunion. Everything worked beautifully. No pain at all and a strong drizzly run. Hopefully I can resume my marathon training now. I've missed out on daily runs because of this but am still right in line with my long runs. Will try a 12 miler this weekend and make sure everything is ok and then get back to running 4-5 days a week. My weight is still holding at 170 and I'm still watching my diet.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Groundsel Tree and Autumn Woods

I did this two mile loop of Southeast Park to see how well my bunion was healing. It did ok but I didn't want to risk another 2 so I took it easy and enjoyed the autumn afternoon. The park was beautiful with all the Hickories and Oaks changing their deepest shades of fire and gold. Most of the Goldenrods are gone but a few of the Asters are still there providing some white and sky blue color. The Vervains were still blooming along with the Firewheels. Saw some Camphorweed, a few Buckeye Butterflies and a Checkered Skipper. As far as newer wildflowers, a few of the Golden Asters were growing near the lake and an occasional Dandelion was taking advantage of the afternoon sun. We haven't had the first killing frost.

My foot did ok and I will test it with a few shorter runs this week before trying a 12 miler this weekend. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Asics GT 2110 4 Blister Bunion Miler

My bunion was still hurting mainly because I rubbed a blister on it last time. I wasn't going to run today but I got my new shoes in the mail and decided to go on a quick 4 mile jaunt. It's a runner's law that you have to run the day you get your new shoes so I put some moleskin over my bunion blister and did some creative lacing of my new shoes so as not to put too much pressure on my sore spot and headed out. My new Asics 2110 (bought by the helpful advice of fellow marathoner Kirk Adams) felt great. The were firm and fast and didn't put too much pressure on the bunion. I had a great run for 4 miles at 37:54 for 9:28 per mile. The real pain came when I took off the moleskin which was stuck to the blister. I had to clean all the skin off and douse it in rubbing alcohol (which felt wonderful) and put a bandaid on it. May have to take another 2 days off to let that heal now. Sorry for the gross picture since runner's feet are some of the ugliest things on the planet. But it will provide a break from all those beautiful wildflowers, country roads, and lakes reflecting the autumn trees.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Red Maples Bunion 8 Miler

Red Maples
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Just ran a painful 8 miles in my old NB 851s. It seems I've developed a bunion on the joint of my left big toe. I think, since I've been running in Mizunos, which have plenty of toe room and a looser fit, my bunion could develop in peace without causing problems. My 851s are a little tighter in the forefoot area and rubbed it pretty hard. I developed a blister and put some moleskin on it and my run was great as far as time: 1:18:55 at 9:51 per mile. But the Bunion was noticeably painful. To top it off I just ordered new running shoes which may also be a bad fit for a bunion. I'll do what I can to treat it and read up on it. Any runners out there that care to offer advice, please feel free. I hope I don't have to resort to surgery. It's not a big bunion but it's noticeable.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Waxing Moon and Fiery Autumn 8 Miler

Just too beautiful a day not to jog. Shot this Halloween photo down Caughman road. The run was good - 8 miles at 10:06 a mile for a time of 1:20:55. Started getting some pain in my thigh joint at about 5 miles. I think I need to switch back to my NB 851s for long distance since these Mizunos tend to break down as far as support pretty early. I'm at 200 miles on these shoes and they feel spent. My 851s will give support well over 400 miles. Can't afford to get injured again. Will take a day off tomorrow and decide what to do Saturday. A tempo 10 sounds like a good idea.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Semi-Tempo 5 Miler and a New Runner

It's been raining so much that I haven't been able to jog in a couple of days. It cleared up today and was nice and mild. I had a fairly quick tempo run at 49:47 at 9:33 a mile. The autumn is really setting in with all the colors deep and rich. The recent rains gave a lushness to the terrain and the field was ripe with puddles and crows. Heard my first White-throated Sparrow of the season and saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet back to spend the Winter in our front yard. It's getting cooler in the evenings but no killing frost as of yet. My herbs are still going on the front porch and I should harvest them after the first freeze. Met another marathoner at the end of my run who is training for the Richmond Virginia Marathon. He's pretty experienced and has done a lot of the same ones I have. He's trying to finish in 3:30 to qualify for Boston. His personal best at that distance is 3:59. He's a solitary runner like me and I'm sure we'll cross paths from time to time and compare notes. His name is Charles. He's 49 years old and a little faster than me.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tulip Poplars Turning Yellow 12 Miler

It was about 60 and dry today so I couldn't pass up the first decent opportunity for a 12 mile run. It's been 3 weeks since I did one and I didn't want to get too far out and have to start over. Temperature does make a difference and the last 12 miler was run in the upper 80s and totally wasted me. This was a lot better. I did it in 2:02:00 at 10:10 per mile. The fall colors were everywhere with these Tulip Poplars abounding. There were plenty of the crystal blue Mistflowers growing growing on Sunview Lake along with Lobelias, Golden Asters, Camphorweeds and Goldenrods. The sun peeked in and out of the clouds providing a mini snapshot of the fall landscape. I stopped to take some Halloween pictures that I just posted on Facebook. Great day to be alive.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Aster Afternoon 5 Miler

Originally uploaded by toadshade
I know my readers have been clammering about finally doing an Aster close-up, since I've been mentioning them as a major fall wildflower and giving so much ePress to Goldenrods. Well your wish came true!! I took this on my afternoon standard 5 miler across Dickcissel Fields where I took this picture. Saw some Sparrows, probably Song Sparrows, out there along with a few crows. Plenty of Goldenrods and Camphorweeds growing on the roadsides. It was a humid 78 and the humidity slowed me down and taxed my breathing some. Still the time was decent at 49:16 at a 9:51 per mile pace.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Early Goblins on Ulmer 8 Miler

Early Goblins
Originally uploaded by toadshade
The light was just right to catch these Halloween sucubi. I've always loved Halloween and this time of year. I needed this run to clear out the cobwebs and get back on schedule with my exercise program. I've been in a funk lately, letting the same-old same-old tedium of work get to me and falling into a few fears and insecurities. I couldn't have picked a better day to exorcise these imps of the id as these trusty Goblins scared them right out of me. It was a glorious day and my best 8 miler in a long time with a time of 1:18:08 at 9:43 per mile.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Peachtree Rock with Viv and Med

Went out with Viv and her husband Med to Peachtree Rock located southwest of Columbia. This is an area of Sandstone that was sea bottom a few million years ago. Streams carved out all the land around the sandstone leaving the harder rock exposed and making for an interesting and beautiful hike to those interested in nature in general and Geology in particular. Fall was just hitting the leaves, mainly Sweetgum, Oak and Sassafras. Saw some Silver Leafed Grass, Maryland Golden Aster, Gerardia and plenty of Maple Leafed Viburnum which always reminds of the mountains where it is so prolific on the Shut-In and Buck Spring Trail along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It has, supposedly, the only waterfall in the coastal plain. Not exactly a 'roaring cataract' but it fits the definition - water falling. It was about a mile and half hike and a good escape from the dreary rain soaked midlands.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Henbit Drizzly 5

Ran this run in spite of the drizzle. Just had to hit the road. I did it in 48:31 at 9:43 a mile. It was a near perfect run in spite of the weather and, maybe, because of the weather. The cool wet air energized me. It drizzled for the first 3 miles but I felt great throughout. Took some pictures of some more Morning Glories, the field and some Goldenrods and Asters, the showcase wildflowers of the fall pictured above.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm Still Here!!

I'm still here. Just been rained out the last few days. Hope to get back with the program tomorrow. The weather is starting to turn Autumn cool and I just put on some long johns. I won't provide a picture of that.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Carolina Renaissance Faire Stroll

'Crazy Man Michael'
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I went with friends Raven, Ann-Marie and Viv to the annual Ren Faire in Charlotte today. I really love these things and didn't know about this one until last year when one of favorite bands, the Mediaeval Baebes, was playing there. My aesthetics and musical leaning go back to the Middle Ages and I tend to listen to this type of music all the time - not that I want to live in that era mind you. No dental care, plague and short life spans were not good selling points. But from these came the reason I like the period so. A lot more death brought on a lot more of the sacred; more thoughtful mediations on life and death. It shows in the music and the poetry of the period. But Ren Faires bring out all of the baudy fun and vitality of the age. Gives a people a chance to play dress up and blast out of this millennium and live in a world of beauty, love, adventure and music.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Ulmer 6 Mile Tempo

I ran this hilly run and it was a little too summer hot for me to attack that sharp uphill in the 5th mile. So I walked the quarter mile up the hill and still had a time of 58:02 at 9:41 per mile. My training is really going well but I'll be taking a few days off for the Ren Faire in Charlotte.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Evening Morning Glory 5

Morning Glory
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Found this Morning Glory blooming in the late evening on Universal Drive. Technically this is Hedge Bindweed (Convolvulus sepium) and is a vine that tends to choke and eventually kill whatever it's host is. Sort of like Japanese Honeysuckle. I don't know if Bindweed is an invasive like Honeysuckle but I know I grew up loving them both - long before I knew anything about wildflowers. I suppose there's some value to be placed on aesthetics and the human spirit.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Butterfly Meadow 4 Mile Hike

Went with Ann-Marie this morning to see what nature had to offer at this local park. As far as new wildflowers, several types of Aster were growing, and as far as birds, there was a new or migrating Thrush species. Couldn't tell if it was a Hermit Thrush (that over winters) or a Veery (that passes through). But the real treat turning out to be butterflies. With all the Goldenrods, Vervains, Gerardias, Gaillardias, and Camphorweeds out there, there were plenty of Butteflies to go around. Most common were the Gulf Fritillaries and the Common Buckeyes. Did run across a couple of Pearl Crescents. Snapped a photo of one of the Buckeyes. Fall is beginning to even more glorious.


Friday, October 2, 2009

The Ulmer 8 Mile Sunflower Run

Took this hilly 8 miler to see how I was doing at pace after the hot summer. Did it in 1:18:56 which is under 10 minutes per mile. It was 77 but muggy. Saw some Woodland Sunflowers along the way and marveled at the dominance of the Goldenrods that were so rare just a few weeks ago. All in all a great run.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Southeast Woodpecker 2

I was going 4 miles on this but the birding was so good I had to stop and take notice. A cold front

had come through and the temps were cool and the color was fall brilliant and beautiful. Migrating birds move on cold fronts so I was in for a treat. Saw 2 Wood Thrushes which are, usually fairly common, but the first ones this year for me. Saw an Acadian Flycatcher gleaning insects from the pond. Saw 2 Yellowthroats along with the usual Crows, Mockingbids, Blue Jays, Cardinals and Carolina Wrens. But the real treat was a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, our only migratory Woodpecker, along with 3 others types: Red-bellied Woodpecker, Downy and Northern Flicka. It was nice just to watch them come and go. Pictured is the trees and bushes I saw them dashing about.


-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Junco 5

I ran this standard 5 miler through the fields to top off the month with 105 miles. Got a brief glimpse of a Dark-eyed Junco which is an early sighting of this Winter bird. The run was autumn cool at 73 degrees at a time of 47:03 at 9:24 per mile.


-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Heron Way Tempo

I ran this tempo in 55:15 at 9:12 per mile. It was 80 but not too humid. All of these hot weather runs paid off in this faster time. This is what you train for. All those runs that make you feel old and tired tone those muscles and build endurance. Today I felt 10 years younger and got 100 miles on the month.


-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fall Blooming Yellow Jessamine

Went on my 4 mile hike today with Ann-Marie and we did a nature walk and tried to study the plants and birds along the way. Ann-Marie was carefully taking pictures and notes along the way. It was misty at times but no real rain. The gem of the day was this fall blooming Yellow Jessamine that I mentioned a few posts ago. The one pictured is twining around a Red Oak Branch. Also saw some red Patridgeberries that also flower in the Spring. We had a great time just sharing and learning for about 2 hours or more. Ann-Marie is learning about Brown-headed Nuthatches and Catbirds and how they sound. Nature was just lush, wet and wonderful.

When I got home there was a first year male Red-breasted Grosbeak on my feeder. The wheel turns.


Friday, September 25, 2009

The Mistflower 12 Miler

Originally uploaded by toadshade
I used my usual faulty logic to justify this 12 Mile run today. I figured since I was going hiking in the morning with Viv and Ann-Marie, I could do an 'easy' 12 after work. Saturday morning is when I usually do my long runs and since I've done a couple of 10s, it would not be too much of a stretch to do a 12 miler. The only snag was the 91 degree humid weather which depleted me completely and made for a real slow, sloggy run. Weighed 170 before the run, 166 afterwards. So if you want to lose weight, try running all the fluids out of your body on a hot day when you should be inside next to the AC with a good book risking heat stroke and heart attack, or drinking tons of alcohol and not eating for days on end until you require medical attention. I've done them both with equal insane intensity. My time was 2:04:52 at 10:24 per mile.

The only sane thing I did was take a picture of this beautiful Mistflower around Sunview Lake.


Reed and Sunlight

Reed and Sunlight
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Went down the Southeast Park today to walk. I went my usual 4 miles and took this picture of a reed catching the evening sunlight. It was a nice walk even though it harkened back to the humid summer and I was sweating like a hog with the slightest effort. Saw some nice birds - a Great Egret hiding under the boardwalk, an Eastern Phoebe and a Wood Pewee, both Flycatchers. Ran into some guys playing soccer in the meadow. They posed for a picture that's on my Flickr account. Saw a real unusual small, orange spider. The big treat of the day was a fall blooming Yellow Jessamine. The hike took about one hour and sixteen minutes for 4 miles.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Fritillary Four

Took a quick tempo hilly run today to keep toning up. It was a little humid with 85 degrees but nothing stifling. Stopped to take this picture of a Variegated Fritillary on some Heliotrope. Lot of these flying around today. My time was good and 37:48 for a pace of 9:27 per mile. Will walk at Southeast Park tomorrow and, hopefully, start building up my marathon mileage with a 12 Mile on Friday after work. Hope the temperature drops by then!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Henbit Goldenrod 5 Mile Tempo

Ran my standard 5 flat miles in 47:46 minutes at a 9:34 pace. My pace is picking up in the cooler weather even though 86 wasn't exactly cool; but it was more of a Fall heat than a Summer heat. Took some pictures but they weren't up to the standard my readership expects so I'll be more careful next time. Did see a Cattle Egret and few Eastern Meadowlarks along with a few Doves and Crows. They were going after all the corn stubble and grain left in the field. Expect to see a lot of field birds down there this Fall and Winter. Better start taking my binocs.

Started getting a scratchy throat at work where the Flu bug is running rampart. Took some Airborne before the run and felt strong throughout. Hope I don't get sick since the only thing I can do when bedridden is watch reruns of Forensic Files and Charmed and I'm sure you all don't want updates on that!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Stress Blow-out Tempo 5 Miler

Went out for a quick 5 miler to blow off some stress due to trying to troubleshoot my computer (to no avail) today. At least the run was rewarding and fast. It was a little humid so I was sweating freely but my pace was strong and steady. The hot weather runs are paying off. My time was 47:38 at 9:32 a mile.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

4 Mile Hike with Ann-Marie at Southeast Park

Fall Morning Glory
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I finally got someone to come out here and enjoy this little Tennis Park so close to home with so much nature to offer. Ann-Marie, whose stepping up her training program to include more workouts during the week, came along and I pointed all of the beauties of the natural world that I could identify. Late summer is just beginning to transition into early fall and some of the Maples are showing their reds and yellows. Goldenrods, which were occasional last week, are everywhere this week. Gerardias, Firewheels, Fleabanes, Silver-leaved Grass, Rabbit Tobacco, Meadow Beauties, Beauty Berries, Wild Senna and Winged Sumac were plentiful. The Hickories, mainly Walnut and Pecan, were sharing their fruit with the earth and I gathered a few for my altar. Ann-Marie commented that it didn't seem like a 4 mile hike and it didn't. Mainly because of the diversity from wildflowers fields to Live Oak groves, Sweetgum-Hickory, Loblolly Pine woods, to open fields. All of this is crammed into a very small area of land; and I have to give the park staff credit for making the most of what they have. On the bird side we saw a lot of Eastern Bluebirds, heard some Brown-headed Nuthatches, heard a Red-shouldered Hawk, saw plenty of Mockingbirds and Brown Thrashers and saw a beautiful Great Egret land in the rushes beside the pond. To top it all off, we had a beautiful Autumn Equinox Ritual at Viv's house reflecting the divinity of the changing seasons.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tinge of Autumn on the Trailwood 5 Miler

Tinge of Autumn
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I took this seldom used route (which goes over the same territory around Sunview Lake from a different direction) at a leisurely pace to see what changes are taking place in a lakeside environment. Mainly the Goldenrods are becoming more plentiful and showy along with the Eupatoriums beside the lake. The Maples are beginning to turn here and there but no great outburst of fall color yet. The run was good and it was good to be outside in the changing oneness of everything. My time was 47:41 for a 9:33 pace.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It turns out that the picture I took of the Wild Turkey a while back turned to be a hoax!! When I ran by it the other day I saw the Turkey sitting in the same spot with grass growing under him with freshly mown grass all around him. Guess they didn't want to wake him!! The owners of the house were on the front porch trying to smoke out a wasp nest and running around the yard like crazy. They looked like the type that would perpetuate such a hoax. So one of greatest photographic and blog triumphs now turns to my greatest blog humiliation. But I'm not going to erase it from my blog. It will stand as a reminder that there are a lot of dumb asses out there, including your humble blogger . . .


The Heron Way 6

Ran my standard 6 mile around Sunview Lake. This run has a great change in elevation that gives you a challenging uphill in the 5th mile. It was more humid today than yesterday but I ran it at tempo pace for a time of 57:52 at a 9:39 per mile pace. Lot of the fall 'yellow flowers' like Goldenrods and Camphorweeds are growing everywhere. Just saw some Woodland Sunflowers the other day and expect more. Will try to get a picture next time because my vast readership is reluctant to rely on just 'hearsay.'


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Harvest Henbit 5

Ran my standard 5 miler across the fields today at about a 10 minute per mile pace. They're still working on leveling the field and clearing it out for Fall and Winter. The Sicklepods are still there among the corn stubble. Pretty soon the Indigo Buntings, Blue Grosbeaks and Orchard Orioles will be going (if they haven't already since I haven't heard any) and will be replaced American Pipits from the fields of Canada and Eastern Meadowlarks will be flocking with them. The humidity of summer is hanging on but the cool breezes and high cirrus clouds let you know fall is on the way.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Corn is Gone 8 Miler

The Corn is Gone
Originally uploaded by toadshade
The corn was finally harvested and the field has a scenic view again. I was getting a little claustrophobic running between those tall corn rows. But it was good to see the cycle of nature at work at a place so close to my house. I've seen this field with wheat, soybeans and fallow and, for the first time, with corn. I've found the first breeding Dickcissels (at the time) in Columbia. I've seen the gamut of field birds and hawks from the four seasons. It's hosted blue and gold wildflowers in neat little rows covering the whole acreage when the fields were fallow for a year. I think I've learned about the variety of nature in a place where most people see 'just a field.'

It was a good run today after my 5k race yesterday. It was a pretty good pace for the 8 miles which I did in 1:20:33 at just over 10 minutes a mile.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Other James Wilson Dry Run 5k and Marathon Plan

Did the Dry Run in 27:45 at 8:56 per mile. It was a little cooler this year and a lot more comfortable out there than last year. Took a picture of James and his son Raymond who is responsible for this run and a lot of the pro-recovery activities around the Midlands. We're talking about trying to do Myrtle Beach this year. James did it last year after a long layoff and had a pretty tough time of it. I was training for Ellerbe last year and got injured. That's the main reason I started this blog. I think we both feel we can do better with a little more training well in advance of the run.

Thanks, James, for the run and all you do for the recovering community!!


Friday, September 11, 2009

The Southeast Stretch 4 Mile Hike

I went out there today to walk off the stiffness in my legs from the 10 miler yesterday. Not much to report except I'm keeping pretty true to my diet exercise program and am dropping a few pounds. The weather has been fall like and beautiful. Makes the runs and hikes a lot more enjoyable.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Blue Curls 10 Miler

Blue Curls
Originally uploaded by toadshade
The first sighting of these Blue Curls that show up about this time of the year. I got it just in time since an obnoxious city mower wiped it from existence along with every growing thing out there. To top it all off I had to put up with this clanging, grating vehicle for about 4 miles since he went at about my same rate. Almost got run over by drivers going around him. The driver (if you can call it that) was probably listening to Leonard Skinnard or Hank Williams Jr in his headset while he was doing everything he could to destroy that piece of city property. And making as much noise as possible in the process. It wasn't a job to him, it was a vendetta.

Otherwise my run, the toughest 10 miler I could think of, went well at 1:43:07 at 10:12 per mile. Have lost 6 pounds since I started this program. Will run in the Dry Run 5k on Saturday.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Southeast Park Wildflower Verification Run

Ran around 6 miles today around Southeast Park to verify whether it was a St. Andrews Cross or a St. Peter's Wort that I was seeing. Turned out to be a St. Andrews-cross. I know my fans were worried that I would let a mistake like that go uncorrected. Anyway the run was good and strong but I did feel a little tired from all the exercise. Need to take a rest day tomorrow.


-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Southeast Sumac 6 Mile Saunter

Winged Sumac
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I went out there today and combined a couple of hikes to get 6 miles on the day. It was nice out there and I was greeted to a few glimpses of a Hummingbird, Pine Warbler and a first year male Summer tanager. The Walnuts and Pecans are falling and there were some cool breezes along the way. This is the same Winged Sumac Bill helped me identify earlier in the year. I barely worked up a sweat at a brisk pace. I realize I'm gonna have to study St. Peter's-wort and St. Andrew's-cross a little more carefully since they look eerily similar. According to the Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (p 710), St. Peter's-wort (Hypericum stans) has clasping leaves. That should give me enough to ID them. And what I thought was Golden Asters turned out to be Silver-leaved Grass (Heterotheca graminifolia). Plenty of Wild Senna out there with a few Sicklepods here and there. Lots of Clouded Sulphur Butterflies along with Buckeyes, a Pearl Crescent and a Gulf Fritillary. Saw a Mississippi Kite and one of the Red-shouldered Hawks that seem to live there. My time was 1:45:06 at 17:31 per mile.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Easy Does It 5 Miler

I decided to do a moderate 5 rather than a quick tempo 3 today. Ran my usual Dickcissel Fields which was beautiful as always with the late summer butterflies and wildflowers. I figured I'd better up the ante and make my short runs a little longer to prepare them for more long distance runs in the cooling weather. Don't want to move too fast and injure myself like last year. Still haven't decided on a marathon and won't have much money in the fall since I have to re-credential to keep my certification up. I'm thinking either Myrtle Beach or Ellerbe or both. My time was 50:21 at 10:04 per mile.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Virgin's Bower 10 Miler

Virgin's Bower
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I decided to go for 10 today even though the temperature was creeping up into the upper 80s. I figured if all these college football players could dress up in all those hot pads and go at full steam, then I could do a leisurely 10 miles. Of course they're 40 years younger than I am but reality has never been too much of a determining factor in most of my life changing decisions. Still it turned out well with a few cool breezes along the way, lots of late summer wildflowers like the Virgin's Bower (Clematis terniflora) pictured. This is a beautiful vine that grows most everywhere during the late summer in the Midlands. Along with it were Queen of the Meadow ( Eupatorium purpureum) and Round-leaf Eupatorium. I IDed the Round-leaf Eupatorium earlier this season but had to wait til I got close enough to the Queen of the Meadow to ID it. Its been growing for a couple of weeks. It's also called Joe Pye Weed. I'm sure there's a story there but I don't know what it is.

The run went well at 1:43:17 for 10 miles and 10:20 per mile pace. This will complete a week where I exercised every day either by hiking or running. Not bad for an old man.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Checkered Skippers on Burley Cudge at Southeast Park 4 Miler

I went out to Southeast Park on this gorgeous late summer afternoon. It was a balmy 81 and this time I took time to smell the roses or, should I say, photograph the wildflowers. There was plenty out there and I ran across a couple of things I've never seen before. Like St. Peter's-wort and Georgia Savory. Found an Elephant's Foot out there and may have found some Golden Asters and/or Beaked Hawkweed. The bird life was plentiful if not unusual. Plenty of Bluebirds and their fledgelings in various stages of molt and growth.

One note of interest is that the Winged Sumac is fruiting. I took a picture (which I'll probably post the next time the park is the subject) of the same one one I photographed earlier in the year when I wasn't sure what it was. The Checkered Skipper was quite beautiful on this grass or sedge. Maybe Bill or those with more knowledge of grasses can help ID this. A very beautiful day with a lot of change in the air and light.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Neighborhood 4 Mile Scamper

You can tell I'm running out of names for these runs. This was a quick tempo run taking advantage of the cooler temperatures. It's my suburban run through areas close to my house. I felt good but a little tired from the day before. Time was 38:14 at 9:32 per mile.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Burley Cudge 6 Miler

Burley Cudge
Originally uploaded by toadshade
Found this attractive wildflower growing in the ditches and pond banks and can't seem to find out what it is. Hence it wins the Burley Cudge prize of the week. The weather was great today. 80 with low humidity. The run felt wonderful and all those hot sweaty days of slogging through the soppy air payed off in one of those glorious runs that is something more than the runner's high. It's more a result of the change in the air, the tilt of the sun and cool breezes that are becoming more frequent as the summer season gives way to the coming fall. My time was 58:16 for 6 miles at 9:42 per mile.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Live from Southeast Park

Went down here today to check out some hiking routes using my GPS. Did a loop that was 1.77 miles and tweaked it the second time for a perfect 2 mile loop. Walked a little more to make it 4 miles for the day. Lot of wildflowers and birds to make this a very interesting hike. My pace was 19 minutes a mile.

-- Post From My iPhone


Workplace Wildflowers

One of the neat things about my workplace is that it's on a small lake out here in North Columbia. Many wildflowers are growing out here now like Smartweeds, Rose Purslane, Sida, Water Lilies and a few Burley Cudges. Makes this place a lot more bearable and effects the attitudes of the staff and patients.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ann-Marie and New House 5 Miler

Ann-Marie and New House
Originally uploaded by toadshade
I stopped by Ann-Marie's since she's moving into her new house today and it's right around the corner from me. Took some pictures of the many and varied boxes she had packed in the different rooms. We have the same landlord and he really fixed it up for her just like he did for me. It has a nice sized back yard with a grill and plenty of room for one person. I continued my jog and ran around the pond at Southeast Park and took pictures of wildflowers. I ran at a 10 minute per mile pace for 50 minutes and walked a while in the wildflower garden. Saw many more Gerardias with Buckeye Caterpillars and saw a few Buckeye Butterflies flying around. Seem to be some Sicklepod, Partridge Pea, Heliotropes, Firewheels and Maypops blooming among some things I can't as of yet. Reckon I'll add them to my Burley Cudge collection and keep an eye on them.

I'm thinking about adding some walks during the week to my training program and Southeast Park is the place to do it. It's a perfect half mile around the pond and almost 2 miles around the whole complex. I could easily get a brisk 4 mile walk in on the days I don't run. Could help me lose a few pounds I can't seem to shake on my present 3-4 times a week running program. We'll see.


First Post From iPhone

Hello all you millions of Toadblog fans. I now have the access to post boring photos and articles you could care less about from my iPhone 24/7! I can even add a picture!

-- Post From My iPhone